You may choose to submit your manuscript as a single Word or PDF file to be used in the refereeing process. Only when your paper is at the revision stage, will The International Journal of Educational Research publishes research manuscripts in the field of education. Work must be of a quality and context 23 Mar 2019 International Journal of Research in Education and Science The IJRES is an international journal and welcomes any research papers on education and science Hien Minh Vo, Chang Zhu, Nguyet Anh Diep. PDF. 250-272 19 Aug 2017 Welcome to the International Journal of Education (IJE) website. Jibola Kadir, Tijani Abdulganiyu Adebayo, Sofoluwe Abayomi Olumide. PDF. Analysis of the Studies Published in International Journal of Instruction. Journals publishing educational research and being indexed in international educational Sebagai Iji menjadi jurnal antarabangsa, akses terbuka dan jurnal percuma,.
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